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Welcome to Crosspoint Firearms Training Academy!

We offer cutting-edge FIREARM and PERSONAL SAFETY TRAINING to equip you with

the skills and mindset you need to be a RESPONSIBLY ARMED CITIZEN.






How Safe Are You?

Are you concerned about your personal safety or the safety of your family? You're not alone, especially in today's unstable world.


The time is now to get a plan for personal

and home protection.


The truth is, this world can be a dark place. Even with precautions, we are potential victims. We don’t get to choose any circumstances involving an attack. If we could, we would avoid them altogether.

The only thing that we DO get to choose is

how prepared we are going to be.

 How We Can Help


We teach practical,

self-defense strategies for situational awareness and

personal safety.



We provide expert firearms training, including traditional marksmanship and concealed carry skills.

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connecticut pistol permit class

We offer classes as required by the  State of Connecticut to apply for a Permit to Carry Pistols and Revolvers.




We offer classes for specific people groups, including women, college students, churches, businesses, etc. 

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Learn from a

You will learn from a US Concealed Carry Association Certified Firearms Instructor. This means you will benefit from cutting-edge firearm and personal safety instruction through USCCA's Concealed Carry and Home Defense Fundamentals curriculum, and much more. Your Instructor is also a Certified Professional Educator so you can be sure you'll be learning from someone who knows how to teach.


The USCCA curriculum is the gold-standard for law-abiding Americans seeking to become responsibly armed citizens.

Courses run 1-8 hours.

Some involve in-person / hands-on, live-fire training at a shooting range.

Other courses, like our popular MINI COURSES, can be taken either online or person.


YOUR needs. YOUR schedule.


Browse our COURSE OFFERINGS below. 

1. Pre-register for any class by filling out our CONTACT FORM
2. We will follow up with you about choosing a date
for a new class or one already scheduled.
3. Once a date is booked, you can reserve your spot by
clicking any of the secure BOOK NOW buttons below.


We now offer certificates to obtain a
Florida Concealed Weapon License!

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Having a Florida license will allow you to legally carry a firearm in *37 states!

You can obtain this with a 1-hour supplemental online session.

The certificate cost is only $50 (in addition to $97 Florida application fees) 

To see a map of states included, click HERE

Great for people who travel and who want to stay legally armed.

Contact us when registering for your CT Permit Class to add an

additional state certificate. Further instructions will be sent to you directly.

*See state-by-state restrictions 

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